What are horse owners like you saying about HoofSmart hoof trimming workshops?
“What an awesome workshop. I wanted you to know that the info
packet was laid out with such detailed information, I was very impressed. The workshop was informative and detailed without being overwhelming with medical and formal terminology. Very understandable by the layman. I can’t say enough. You rock!!!”   -KA
“I *really* enjoyed the workshop and will be recommending it to several of my friends. Already have told a couple of folks who seem interested…I went through a lot of the handout with my daughter and she got a lot out of it.”  -LS
“You were well prepared – hands-on with the bones, hoof capsule, etc. really helped me visualize, your trim demo was great to let us see and feel for the imbalances, etc. I don’t feel nearly as intimidated by the prospect of us being the primary trimmers.” -PD
“The workshop was great! My head is filled to capacity, (that’s not saying
much LOL) Can’t wait for Chapter 2!”  -GB
“This was a great workshop. Nice work, Leitha. I left feeling confident that I can trim my horse’s feet.”   -SL
“My granddaughter and I had an excellent time at the clinic. It was not only fun but extremely educational for us. She wanted to immediately look at (our) other three horses’ hooves and examine them for symmetry and soundness.”   -KW
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