Articles by HoofSmart

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X-Ray of a foundered horse hoofLaminitis Lessons: A Webinar for Every Horse Owner

with Don Walsh, DVM

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 25 at 9:00 p.m. CST

Did you miss the live webinar broadcast? You can view a recorded video here.

As the spring grass begins to sprout under your horse’s hooves, you may have many questions about laminitis. “Is my horse at risk for laminitis?” “How could laminitis affect my horse’s health?” Don Walsh, DVM, will answer these questions and more in a laminitis webinar for every horse owner.

During the webinar, Dr. Walsh will answer these questions:

How can you tell if your horse is at risk for laminitis?
How does laminitis become a fatal disease?
What are the facts of spring-grass-laminitis and the role of insulin resistance?
Is there any new research on laminitis?
…and many more!

Register Now

A veterinarian who specializes in laminitis and founder, Don Walsh, DVM is the founder and president of Animal Health Foundation. AHF is an organization that seeks to understand and prevent laminitis-founder complex in horses by funding research and educating horse owners about the disease.

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Horse owner learning to trim hoofsSaturday Apr 28, 2012    9am-4pm
Rowantree Farm    Franklin, TN

Discounted Earlybird Registration until Fri. Apr 27 – sign up now and save!

Clinic Registration Forms
Clinic Information Packet

Join us for a hands-on clinic designed to introduce horse owners to the basics of barefoot hoof trimming, and beyond. This class builds on the concepts introduced in the HTHO 101 clinics, but is still suitable for beginners as we’ll start off with a review. Read the rest of this entry »

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Join Harvest Feed Mill & Purina for their Annual Horse Owners Workshop! Next Thursday night 4/12/12 at 6:30 – a free BBQ dinner will be provided. Please RSVP by calling Harvest Feed Mill @ (256) 837-3039

Featuring presentations from Purina nutritionists, area veterinarians, and Jim Swanner, Natural Horsemanship trainer and lots of great door prizes! Please bring a folding chair.

When: Thurs. April 12, 2012, 6:30pm


RSVP: (256) 837-3039

Lateral view of a horse's hoofMonday Mar 26, 2012 – 6:30-8pm
TN Valley Research & Extension Center
9494 Experimental Loop
Madison, AL 35756

Don’t miss this informal and lively discussion about hoof care and hoof health for horse owners, presented by Leitha Lee and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System’s Horse Owner Resource, Science & Education (H.O.R.S.E.) series of educational meetings.

There is a $5/person charge to attend the meeting. Pre-registration by phone or e-mail is requested.

To pre-register, or for more information, please contact:

Gerry Thompson, Regional Extension Agent for Animal Sciences and Forages
Office: 256-353-8702, ext 25
Cell: 256-508-2020


Header from Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog

Important news from Fran Jurga’s Hoof Blog:

Equine Laminitis: 2012 Video Education Update from the Animal Health Foundation

“The Animal Health Foundation, a non-profit organization that funds laminitis research at Dr Chris Pollitt’s Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit and at universities in the United States, has assembled a quick course update for horse owners and horse professionals on preventing, managing and treating the disease of equine laminitis.

While there is still much that we don’t know about laminitis, Donald Walsh, DVM has prepared a primer that should make clear the current state of practical information.

Please watch all five videos in the Animal Health Foundation’s EQUINE LAMINITIS 2012 UPDATE and share these videos with everyone in the horse world. This is important information.”

Go to Fran Jurga’s Hoof Blog to watch the videos!

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