Articles by HoofSmart

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ingredients for moisturizing hoof spray

Use these supplies to mix your own moisturizing hoof disinfectant spray.

This gentle, simple formula for a moisturizing spray disinfects, deodorizes, and softens a horse’s hooves prior to trimming.  Helps treat and prevent thrush.  May also be used as a wound cleanser.

What You’ll Need:

8 oz trigger spray bottle

6 oz bottle of glycerin

2 oz bottle of tea tree oil

Dropper top

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two hoof raspsTrimming hooves is hard work and requires a fair amount of strength, so why not make it easier by treating yourself to a nice, sharp, high-quality rasp?  Lower quality rasps cost less, but aren’t very sharp even when new, and quickly get even duller with use.

Which rasp to choose?

I’ve been using Heller Legend 14” hoof rasps for some time, but Bellota, Simonds, and Wood-Miller brands are also excellent quality at reasonable prices – ranging from the Simonds Black Master at around $25 each to the Wood-Miller at around $17.  Bellota and Heller Legend rasps are in the middle of the pack, at around $20 each. The higher priced rasps in this group tend to stay sharp through more trims, so you get what you pay for.

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