Random vintage cowboy photo (not Dennis Reis)
This event involves Dennis in an educational and entertaining demonstration built around finding extraordinary performance within ordinary horses. You will witness a young horse accepting saddle and rider for the first time and a problem horse overcoming adversity — experience the infinite possibilities of the horse / human bond with Dennis as your guide to understanding.
Team No Dust World Challenge!
Don’t miss out on the Ultimate Horsemanship Experience!
Watch Reis students of all disciplines and skill levels show case their incredible relationships with their horses as they maneuver their way through exciting challenge courses Competing in Round Pen, Ground school, Brideless Riding and Refined Riding.
This 3 day event also includes Dennis Reis sharing his love and knowledge of horses through:
Colt starting, Problem horses, Herd Dynamics,The Big Red Ball, Building confidence, Trailer Loading and much more.
Starts at 10am – Ends at 5pm each day
3 Day pass only $25.00
Children 17 & under Free
Friday – Student qualifying rounds
Saturday & Sunday – Horsemanship challenge competition and Educational seminar